TAG-23: The 2073 Architectural Awards
vr 24 feb
|TAG 23

Tijd en locatie
24 feb 2023, 12:00 – 26 feb 2023, 23:50
TAG 23
Over het evenement
Please click on this link for more information and registration: TAG-23: The 2073 Architectural Awards --- Tickets | Eventbrite
While most of today’s architecture and urbanism speak to “sustainability” and “equity,” the buildings and urban fabric built since 1950 use about 65% of today’s energy in the production of their materials, fabrication of their components, in their lighting, conditioning—and traffic.
Many buildings are demolished before they are even 50 years old—unsuitable for human purposes, unsound, dysfunctional, out-of-date. A classic design is physically, fiscally, and aesthetically enduring. We need to be inventive today—creating architecture that our forebears, children, and grandchildren can rejoice in – Philip Abram Esocoff, FAIA, Washington, D.C.
Not since the Classical Councils of the early 2000s has a Trad-Arch-Urb event focused on larger projects and the firms most likely to impact the public realm. This three-day event will include an online—and possibly live—exhibit of exemplary work. It will feature keynotes, panels, and presentations. It will have sessions on crafts, urbanism, and neuroscience. A TAG 23 publication is anticipated.