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Beauty: Who Cares, Wins

di 31 jan



Office for Place has been set up within the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to help create beautiful, healthy, successful, and enduring places that foster a sense of community, local pride, and belonging. This event offers the opportunity to hear from Simon Allford (RIB

Beauty: Who Cares, Wins
Beauty: Who Cares, Wins

Tijd en locatie

31 jan 2023, 14:00 – 18:00

London, 6 Portland Rd, London W11 4LA, Verenigd Koninkrijk

Over het evenement

beauty who cares wins

Office for Place has been set up within the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to help create beautiful, healthy, successful, and enduring places that foster a sense of community, local pride, and belonging.

This event offers the opportunity to hear from Simon Allford (RIBA President), Nicholas Boys Smith (Chair of the Office for Place Advisory Board), other members of the Office for Place advisory board, and senior civil servants, including Joanna Averley (Governments Chief Planner) on how they are supporting the built environment, and how architects can contribute and support this work.


An introduction to the National Model Design Code (NMDC)

This session will provide an opportunity to learn about how the NMDC can be effectively put into practice, with the opportunity to hear from David Rudlin (BDP), Sarah Allan (Head of Architecture at DLUHC), Bob Allies (Allies and Morrison), Martina Juvara (Urban Silence) and two of the Government funded design code pathfinders.

Co-creation, consultation, and digital

Chaired by Paul Monaghan (advisory board member of Office for Place and Executive Director of AHMM), speakers including Holly Lewis (We Made That), Cany Ash (Ash Sakula), Larry Botchway (Poor Collective) and Mike Saunders (Commonplace) who will demonstrate innovative engagement processes.

An exploration of ‘what is beauty?’

An in conversation with Robert Adam (advisory board member of Office for Place and founder of Robert Adam Architectural Consultancy), Stephen Bayley (Chairman of The Royal Fine Art Commission Trust), Selina Mason (Lendlease) and Dr Chanuki Seresinhe (Zoopla).

This session will set up and frame what we mean by beauty. How do we define beauty at a local level, how can design standards be set to encourage more beautiful development and how can we demonstrate that what is built, is popular with local people?

Following the event, join us for networking and a drinks reception.

Deel dit evenement

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